Premier 50% Hostess Benefits

December 26, 2008

Premier is offering 50% hostess benefits on home shows of $350 or more from December 27th to January 30th.  This is a wonderful promotion, and I am so excited about the opportunities that it gives my friends and hostesses.  You are guaranteed $175 in FREE jewelry on a party of $350.  If your party is higher than $350, you get more than that.  Also, you can earn 4 $25 credits towards free jewelry.  So, on a home show of $350, you could earn $275 in FREE jewelry!!!  That’s huge!!

Please let me know if you are interested in hosting a home show.  Take a look at your calendar and let me know a date that is good for you.  Then, call or send an email to, and we will set up your home show.  Please keep in mind that this promotion does not apply to catalogue shows.  I am, however, setting up a Hostess Mania to correspond with this promotion.

Hostess Mania                                                                                                                                                                                         

I need at least six ladies to participate in the Hostess Mania, but more are welcome.  Here’s how it works.  Each hostess will take catalogue orders for two weeks.  Then, we will all get together for a fun night of fellowship.  Each lady should bring at least $100 in orders and one friend.  However, if you bring $350 in orders, you will get the 50% hostess benefits.  Each hostess will receive the $25 credit for having her show on the originally scheduled date and the $25 credit for having $100 in advance orders.  On a $100 order (with the regular 30% hostess benefits), that’s $80 in free jewelry!  On a $350 order, that’s $225 in FREE JEWELRY!!!!  I would like to do the Hostess Mania on January 9th so I will need to know who my hostesses are pretty quickly.  Please call or email me at if you are interested in participating.  On January 9th, we will not do a full-fledged home show.  We will go over the hostess benefits plans, I will explain the Golden Guarantee, I will answer any questions you have about my business, then we will have some snacks and play in the jewelry!  I will also have a small gift for each hostess. I am excited!  I think this will be some very fun girl time.  I can’t wait to hear from you!

One Response to “Premier 50% Hostess Benefits”

  1. Heather Lawson Says:

    I might be interested in this! I think Danny is off that day (Friday, 1/9). I’ll let you know asap!

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