It’s Been a While

October 9, 2010

It’s been a while since I’ve posted to this blog.  Almost a year.  About that time, a Premier “sister” (term used loosely) posted an ugly comment to my blog, where she expressed some extremely insincere concern for my use of the web in my Premier business.  I find it difficult to write a blog about my life and leave out such a huge piece of the puzzle.  So, I stopped blogging for a while, but have missed it terribly.  That being said, I think I’ll focus my blog now on my daily scripture readings.  That doesn’t mean I won’t talk about my Premier business, but I will be more careful about what I publish.

As I was reading today in my Old Testament reading plan, I was appalled by the violence in Numbers 19 and 20 and in 2 Kings 10.  The Old Testament folks had some strong stomachs!  I hear people say all the time, “What has this world come to when. . . fill in the blank“.  The world hasn’t “come to” anything!  There’s nothing that goes on in today’s world that’s worse than some of the stories in the Old Testament.  Yes, times have changed.  But, that just means the world is different. It doesn’t mean that we deal with things that God didn’t see coming.

That’s why it’s not surprising that my Premier colleague would publicly try to embarrass me on my blog.  I don’t know her.  She lives in a different state, and belongs to a different line of the Premier family.  But, I thought we were all on the same team.  Premier Designs is a wonderful company that would never encourage that type of behavior, and I am still as confident in the company and it’s mission as I have ever been.  So on that note, here’s what’s going on in my Premier business in October (hehe):

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!!!

Host a Pretty in Pink Party!
Book a home show in October for special hostess and customer specials.
All customers who wear pink will receive a special gift out of my grab bag.
All pink jewelry will be 25% off (applies to home shows only.)
You will receive The Cure pin as your gift for hosting a show in October
****10% of the profit from your show will be donated to the Susan G. Komen foundation in your honor!****

Call or email me if you’re interested in hosting a Pretty in Pink party and we’ll get it on the calendar!

My Premier business is a personal relationship business.  We will meet in person, I will do your home show in person, I will personally provide service for you and your guests, and I will work hard to get you the MOST free jewelry that we possibly can!  It’s a partnership between you and me, and if we both put our minds to it, we’ll have  your accessory wardrobe in tip top shape for the fall and winter!

XPT Full Throttle

What does that mean, you ask?  Going Full Throttle means we have initiated a charge against hell to change lives in North Alabama through showing people the love of Jesus Christ.  Full Throttle starts this Sunday.

A few months ago, our pastor, Dave Anderson, announced that a family in our church had purchased 12 acres of land, and are going to build a building which Crosspoint will occupy rent free for as long as we want.  Basically, a church building fell in our laps.  We have been meeting at Regal Cinemas in Decatur for a little over two years now, and the time and space constraints limit how many people we can reach.  Now, with the new building, God will use Crosspoint to reach many more people.

There is one challenge.  We have to outfit the building.  That means we have to buy chairs, sound equipment, video equipment, etc, etc, etc.  That also means that we have to come up with A LOT of money.  We God can do it!  We just have to trust him with our resources and use them wisely.

I personally feel a huge burden for the Full Throttle initiative.  I wish I could write a big fat check for the whole amount that we need.  Right now, I don’t have that kind of money, but there’s something I can do.  I can pray.  I can ask God to tell me what to do.  I can ask Him to bless my business.

During the month of October, Megan’s Premier business is going Full Throttle too!  Please pray with me that I can discern what God tells me to do, and that I am obedient (and call me if you would like to host a Full Throttle Home Show!).


Charge Hell and Change Lives

A New Path

April 27, 2009

My world has really changed over the past few months, and I am beginning to love my life as it is right now.  God is directing me in paths that I never dreamed, and I can’t wait to see how He molds me into what He planned me to be.

My Premier business is about to reach new heights.  My Premier mom, Pam, always says, “God blesses effort.”  There could not be a truer statement.  I have been a stumbling block to my Premier business in the past because I have made a lot of excuses for not working it as I should.  I have also let situations in my life discourage me, making me think that I couldn’t have a successful business, instead of letting my business “be the bulldozer that tears down the problems” in my life.  I am really addressing this aspect of my business, and turning that situation around, and I am so excited about it!  I have recently signed two new wonderful Premier daughters.  Carly and Alison, I love you!  I can’t wait to help you build your own successful Premier businesses.  I’ve got some great Premier promotions and events coming down the pipes.  Stay tuned in to see.

I have also just started working on a finance project for my church, Crosspoint Community Church.    It’s a temporary gig, but is just a little different than anything I’ve ever done before.  I’m stoked about my new job in the ministry of Jesus Christ.  I truly believe this opportunity is THE reason that my corporate career took the path that it did.  When we pray for God’s will in our lives, we never know exactly what we’re gonna get.  The thing about God’s will that is so amazing. . . it’s perfect.  That’s right, I said Perfect.  God’s will is ultimate perfection in our lives.  Does that mean that every moment will be bliss, and we will be forever protected from turmoil and strife?  Absolutely not!  It just means that lives lived according to God’s will, will always glorify Him.  I can’t thnk of any more perfect mission for my life than to glorfiy God in all that I do.

Most Awesome News of All

I’m no longer in pain!  The chronic pain in my neck that has plagued me for the past 2 1/2 years, is miraculously gone.  That’s not to say that I don’t have a bad day once in a while, but they are rare.  I shared this with my wonderful friend Jason tonight.  He was shocked to hear my news and asked why I have not shared it with our life group.  I guess I have been afraid to say it out loud for fear that the pain would reappear.  The truth is, once I decided to “let go and let God,”  He took the pain away.  All I had to do was trust Him.  Jonathan and I (and my mom and dad, and my Premier family, and my church family, etc.)  had both been praying for a miracle for a while.  This is proof positive that God is still in the miracle business.  There are 27 million Americans that suffer with chronic pain on a daily basis.  Chronic pain is intense pain for which there is no apparent reason, or no treatable cause.  It affects its victims not only physically, but mentally as well, causing depression and anxiety disorders. And, “suffer” is the only word to describe how these people live from day to day.  For the rest of my life, I will continue to pray that medicine finds a way to help chronic pain sufferers live a more comfortable life.

With all of the wonderful changes going on, I’m still experiencing a little difficulty financially as I figure out how to work out the logistics of income that is not the same every week.  I know, sounds funny coming from an accountant.  I’ll figure it out.  I need to book jewelry shows desperately!!!  I will be announcing a Mother’s Day special and Mystery Hostess Show in the next couple of days.  Please email me at if you are willing to host a home jewelry show.  I will make it very stress-free for you, and you will earn LOTS of FREE JEWELRY!!!!

I’ve no doubt that I”m exactly where God wants me to be right now.  First of all, I’m continuing to be at home with Olivia.  I love it!  I’m working with two absolutely wonderful God-centered organizations, Crosspoint Community Church and Premier Designs Jewelry, and I’m pain-free.  Sitting here, reading back over this post, I’m ashamed at how many sentences start with the word “I”.  It’s not about me, it’s about my Lord who has created this bright new path for my life.  I am so incredibly blessed!


January 27, 2009

This is a recurring theme in my life lately.  I have two topics relating to generosity to tell you about, and I am excited about both of them!

First of all, thanks to Casey Graham of Rethink Money (, I have a Monthly Spending Plan, and a Kill It plan for my debt (a get out of debt plan), and I am taking control of my finances.  Why?  In our Rethink Money seminar on Saturday, Casey asked us to identify one financial goal that we want to accomplish in the next twelve months.  Mine is to be more generous in my giving (I have a very specific goal but will keep it to myself.)   Casey taught us all how to get our finances in shape so that we can use our money to fuel God’s mission.  Our money should be used in this order:

  1. Share some
  2. Save some
  3. Spend some

Unfortunately, most people use their money in the opposite order, and I am guilty of that.  But over the next twelve months, I will reverse the order in which I manage my finances.  I am excited about it!!   I will also be living on a Monthly Spending Plan and working on my Kill It plan to get out of debt!  I want my money to be used to glorify God.  It is His.  He has only allowed me to have what I have.

Next, on the topic of generosity is the wonderful company of which I am blessed to be a part, Premier Designs.  Premier has a new Gift with Purchase Promotion for February.  For home shows held between January 31 and February 27, any guest who makes a purchase of $75 will receive one piece of jewelry up to $40 in value absolutely FREE.  If you are a hostess holding a show in February, this will increase the retail of your show, therefore increasing your hostess benefits.  If you have a catalog show open with me right now, we will flip it to a home show so that your friends and family that make purchases will be eligible for this promotion.  This is a win-win for customers and hostesses!!!!  What a GENEROUS company!!!!

Also, right now I am having a 24-hour sale going on.  It started yesterday, but you can still order today and receive these great discounts.

But 1 item, get 20% off your order
Buy 2 items, get 25% off your order
Buy 3 items, get 30% off your order

Call or email me today if you would like to take advantage of these discounts.  My email is  You can also twitter me:   

He’s Still Working on Me

January 22, 2009

I haven’t posted to my blog in quite a while.  I think there’s just so much running through my mind that I don’t know where to start.  God’s working in my life, and I think that 2009 is going to bring about many changes for me, positive changes.  The process of getting there is painful though.

I just returned from a Premier conference, and I am refreshed, motivated, and humbled.  Every year Premier has a Verse of the Year.  For 2009, the Verse of the Year is Proverbs 15:13, “A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.”  I want to start every day of 2009 by reading this verse.

One of the testimonies given at the conference was from a woman with generalized anxiety disorder that is running a successful Premier business in spite of her illness.  She said, “Let your business be the bulldozer that breaks through the problems in your life.”  She will never know what an effect that one phrase has had on me.  For the past year, I haven’t had the will do to anything.  I have let the pain in my neck handicap me in a lot of ways.  This debilitating pain has affected me both physically and mentally.  But, I think that sometimes our mental will can be stronger than our physical abilities.  And God is stronger than any problem we’ll ever have.

Andy Horner, founder of Premier Designs, also spoke at the conference.  He talked about the power of a positive attitude in all aspects of our lives.  He said “Plant seeds and let God handle the results.”  This is true for witnessing, for parenting, and for working our Premier businesses.  A positive attitude is a seed that when planted and prayed over can have enormous results.  I am ashamed to say that I haven’t had such a positive attitude in the past year.  I have let my pain control my life.  I’m embarrassed to even say that, but there it is.

I am so glad that God is working on me.  He’s got a lot of work to do!!!!  I do too.

Premier 50% Hostess Benefits

December 26, 2008

Premier is offering 50% hostess benefits on home shows of $350 or more from December 27th to January 30th.  This is a wonderful promotion, and I am so excited about the opportunities that it gives my friends and hostesses.  You are guaranteed $175 in FREE jewelry on a party of $350.  If your party is higher than $350, you get more than that.  Also, you can earn 4 $25 credits towards free jewelry.  So, on a home show of $350, you could earn $275 in FREE jewelry!!!  That’s huge!!

Please let me know if you are interested in hosting a home show.  Take a look at your calendar and let me know a date that is good for you.  Then, call or send an email to, and we will set up your home show.  Please keep in mind that this promotion does not apply to catalogue shows.  I am, however, setting up a Hostess Mania to correspond with this promotion.

Hostess Mania                                                                                                                                                                                         

I need at least six ladies to participate in the Hostess Mania, but more are welcome.  Here’s how it works.  Each hostess will take catalogue orders for two weeks.  Then, we will all get together for a fun night of fellowship.  Each lady should bring at least $100 in orders and one friend.  However, if you bring $350 in orders, you will get the 50% hostess benefits.  Each hostess will receive the $25 credit for having her show on the originally scheduled date and the $25 credit for having $100 in advance orders.  On a $100 order (with the regular 30% hostess benefits), that’s $80 in free jewelry!  On a $350 order, that’s $225 in FREE JEWELRY!!!!  I would like to do the Hostess Mania on January 9th so I will need to know who my hostesses are pretty quickly.  Please call or email me at if you are interested in participating.  On January 9th, we will not do a full-fledged home show.  We will go over the hostess benefits plans, I will explain the Golden Guarantee, I will answer any questions you have about my business, then we will have some snacks and play in the jewelry!  I will also have a small gift for each hostess. I am excited!  I think this will be some very fun girl time.  I can’t wait to hear from you!

Premier Birthday Club

December 22, 2008

I am rolling out a new program for 2009.  It’s called Megan’s Premier Birthday Club.  If you want to be a member of my Birthday Club you will receive the following:
1.)  Half off one item on the week of your birthday  (this can be the most expensive item of your order.)
2.)  15% off the rest of your order the week of your birthday
5.)  One specially priced offer the week of your birthday (the 15% off will not apply to this item, it will already be discounted more than 15%.)
3.)  A $25 coupon towards free jewelry if you book a home show the week of your birthday
4.)  A $25 coupon towards free jewelry if we do a one-on-one Premier opportunity meeting the week of your birthday.
The week of your birthday means the seven days from Sunday to Saturday that includes your birthday.  I will not be able to honor these specials outside of that week (simply because it will be hard to keep up with; so to keep it simple, I will have to limit the specials to that week.)

To join the Birthday Club, simply send an email to that includes your name, birthday, mailing and postal addresses, then you are a member!  I am excited about the Birthday Club and can’t wait to hear from all of you.

Men, you can enter your wives.  I’m sure she won’t mind.

Attention: Men

December 11, 2008

Still got Christmas presents that you need to buy for the women in your life?  I can help.  Whether it’s for your wife, girlfriend, mother, or daughter, Premier Designs has the perfect piece of jewelry that is just right for her.  I am still taking last minute orders.  I will help you decide on which beautiful pieces are right for her, then I will order, gift wrap, and deliver wherever you wish. 

Best of all, Premier Designs jewelry is covered by a lifetime guarantee.  Anything that happens to the jewelry due to manufacturers defect is covered under the guarantee, and Premier will replace it for the life of the jewelry.

So,  where do you sign up??  Just send an email to  I can’t wait to help you with your Christmas shopping!!

By the way, be sure to contact me by Monday, December 15th to avoid extra shipping costs.

Gold Reflections or Silver Reflections ring
page 8 in the catalog
regular price $44 and $41
sale price $32
Eugenia necklace
page 17 in catalog
regular price $49
sale price $37.50
Lady Fair
necklace and earrings
page 34 in catalog
regular price $39 and $24
specially priced, both for just $50!
First Lady
page 43 in catalog
Buy the necklace and receive the earrings in the color of your choice (light gray or taupe) for FREE!
Buy the necklace and one of the bracelets, receive both pairs of earrings FREE!!
Hot Cakes earrings
in silver or gold
page 74 in catalog
regular price $19
sale price $15
Adriana bracelet
page 77 in catalog
regular price $32
sale price $25
These offers are available this week only, and only with me!!  Call or email today to take advantage of the savings on these beautiful pieces!  Happy Shopping!!

Jewelry Show Booking Special

November 19, 2008

I need jewelry show bookings!!  This is the wrong time of year to need bookings.  Usually, I don’t have trouble finding people to do shows during the holidays.  However, the current economic crisis is really hurting my business!  I can’t blame anyone though; I’m not spending money either.

So, who wants to earn FREE JEWELRY??!!!  I have a great booking special for December!  Book a home show in December, and receive one item up to $40 in value from the Holiday Collection absolutely free.  It’s just my way of thanking you for hosting a show.  I promise to make it stress free.  I’ll send out your invites.  Don’t stress over food.  A plate of brownies and a pot of coffee is all you need.  I will also waive the $4.00 shipping fee on hostess orders.

Anyone interested in hosting a show, email me at  We will plan it around YOUR schedule.  I am willing to drive ANYWHERE!!